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While the transformation system is in the style of Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed and the racing gameplay is heavily influenced to the Need For Speed games ( Need For Speed: Underground, Need For Speed: Shift, Need For Speed: Prostreet, Need For Speed: Shift 2: Unleashed and Need For Speed: Underground 2), the Burnout games and even Codemasters' Formula One games. The game will be very similar to Mario Kart but with playable characters and elements from nearly every universe like Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, DC, Hasbro, Mattel, Warner Bros., Cartoon Network, DreamWorks, Universal, 20th Century Studios, Paramount, Nickelodeon, Sony Pictures, Studio Ghibli, Harvey, Square-Enix, Activision, Image Comics, Dark Horse Comics and others.

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4 Fused Items doing the same thing except they're more powerfulīrodie and Alexandra's Journey began when they saw the Diamond Trophy on a news channel that Darth Chernabog and Thanoseid has won.

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